Is the Feedback You’re Giving Constructive or Destructive?
One-Way Communication in Contrast to Two-Way Communication Have you ever encountered this very interesting workplace situation: A decision doesn’t go the way an employee wants. His boss wants to turn this into a developmental experience for his employee. So when he gives the employee the bad news, he also tells him what his problem was, […]
Being Direct — No More Sugarcoating Bad News to the Boss
Sugarcoating Have you ever had employees who sugarcoat bad news? This works well for the moment — the boss is pleased and everything sounds great. However, this can be disastrous down the road when a sugarcoated issue mushrooms into something worse. If only we could have known about and addressed these issues sooner! This case […]
Performance Issues at Work: Ignore, Confront, or Discuss?
Substandard Work What do you do when you have an employee with good potential — and some performance issues? You have mentioned the issues to him briefly, and he became surprisingly defensive. Should you not worry about it right now, giving him time to grow? Confront him sternly and tell him this behavior is not […]
How to Raise Your Standards – Overcoming Complacency in the Workplace
Raise Your Standards What do you do when your workplace culture is very friendly, and harmonious, but standards of performance are lax? No one confronts each other about low performance and it is starting to impact the business. Should you crack the whip? Convince the president that you need to change the culture? Try to raise […]
Two Ways of Dealing With an Angry Coworker
Angry at Work How do you deal with an angry coworker who’s zeroed in on you? In this post we’ll explore two options. Hopefully you don’t have to deal with colleagues who are angry at work too often. But when you do, remember this post! The Situation You work at a fairly large financial organization. […]
Learning From a Crisis – Webinar Replay
Though the US Economy is beginning to reopen slowly, the COVID crisis isn’t over. What lessons can we learn from the current crisis and other challenging times? In their webinar “Learning From a Crisis,” PA Consultants David Rowan and Cheryl Throgmorton shared insights into the effective adaptations businesses can make during a crisis. Based on the book […]
Leading in Crisis – Webinar Replay
We’re living in unprecedented times. But that doesn’t mean we can’t still learn from the past. What are the best-practice tools and ways of thinking we can use as we’re figuring out how to lead in a crisis? Psychological Associates President Clay Hildebrand recently moderated a panel discussion with top business leaders who steered their […]
Managing Poor Performance (How To Tips)
Poor Performance When an employee’s performance is sub-par, how do you discuss it without offending him? And how do you motivate him to actually improve performance rather than just giving it lip service? Master this and you’ll learn a key leadership skill! In this case example, we’ll explore several alternatives for managing poor performance. We’ll […]
4 Low-Cost Tips for Employee Retention
An Employee Retention Problem When you have invested a lot of time to train and develop someone, and you find out that they are thinking of leaving your organization, it can be very disappointing, costly, and frustrating. In this case study we explore this problem, and provide 4 actionable, low-cost strategies for employee retention. The […]
Avoidance is Never an Effective Conflict Style to Choose. (See Why)
Avoidance is Never an Effective Conflict Style to Choose. Conflict is not pleasant. Many employees avoid it so they don’t have to endure arguments and disagreements. However, avoidance is never an effective conflict style to choose. Avoiding conflict often causes problems down the road. Better to suffer a little discomfort up front and ward off […]