Take Five is back! Today, we’re featuring Dr. Hal Guterman. Hal is Vice President of Organizational Consulting, leads our Assessment practice, and is a master of deadpan humor. Take it away, Hal!
Take Five
- Movie you quote from all the time?
- The Godfather
- Favorite lunch spot?
- Protzel’s Deli
- Coffee or tea?
- Coffee
- Night owl or early riser?
- Night owl
- What’s your spirit animal?
- Monkey
- What are you currently watching?
- Atlanta and Legion
- Hogwarts house?
- Slytherin
- Favorite snack?
- Breakfast cereal
- What’s your pop culture guilty pleasure?
- Treating myself to concerts and listening to great live music.
- What’s your proudest moment at PA?
- Any time a client tells us that we’ve provided them with the guidance they need; helping others get up to speed in assessment; developing the competency library.
Thanks, Hal!